Now what? Missouri schools closed for rest of year, but next steps remain in flux
Even though few were taken by surprise by Missouri’s decision to close schools for the rest of the school year, the questions over what happens next aren’t any clearer on the day after.
The closure, declared by Gov. Mike Parson on the recommendation of state educators, was bound to happen. Many states, including Kansas, had already made the same declaration as it became clear that social distancing measures would be necessary at least through May.
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But the landscape is still so fluid — and unprecedented — that superintendents and state education officials all the way up to Commissioner Margie Vandeven are still sorting out the difficulties ahead.
“This announcement brings with it a NUMBER of additional questions,” Vandeven said in her written response to the closure order. “What should districts do about summer school? What will the re-entry to school look like? How will this impact graduating seniors? What can be done to address broadband internet access issues in many areas of our state?”
But there are no definitive answers yet to those questions, she said. What’s clear is that there is lot of work to be done to continue figuring it out on the fly.
“Please know,” she said, “that our department is working quickly to address these and many other questions in conjunction with the Governor’s office, continuing our efforts to help local school leaders navigate this process…removing barriers, simplifying any processes that we can and waiving the necessary state statutes and regulations.”