About LINC Caring Communities

Caring Communities is an effort to create in neighborhoods what the courthouse square was long ago – a place where the community regularly gathers. Our Caring Communities sites reflect a growing national interest in creating “community schools.” LINC has supported Caring Communities sites since 1993.

View a list of all our Caring Communities Sites.  

View a map of all LINC Caring Communities Sites. 

View a table showing LINC's presence by school year at all LINC Caring Communities Sites.

LINC Students from Conn-West Elementary in the Grandview School District celebrate Lights On Afterschool.

LINC Students from Conn-West Elementary in the Grandview School District celebrate Lights On Afterschool.

What is a community school?

A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources.

In these schools, an integrated focus on academics and family support, health and social services, and youth and community development leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Community schools are open to everyone—all day, including evenings and weekends.

Community-based organizations or public institutions often work as lead agencies in community schools, helping to mobilize community assets and support student success.

Learn more about "community schools." 


LINC Important Information

"The Big Six"
LINC's Basic Non-Negotiable Expectations for School-Age Child Care Programs

Core Results
LINC's work is organized around achieving results in these nine core areas

Conditions for Learning
Without these conditions in place many children will not succeed and fewer children will realize their full potential.