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Why we play chess: LINC tournament players show out big in NKC

LINC Chess’ first tournament of the 2023-2024 season drew 142 students from throughout the area, representing 43 different schools.

Here are some of the sights and sounds from the tournament held Dec. 9 at North Kansas City High School.

No one loses in chess, goes one of the LINC program’s mantras. You either win, or you learn.

“When you do LINC Chess, it’s just, like, so fun,” said tournament player Dawson, 7, from Holliday Montessori School. “It’s educational and fun at the same time.”

Players learn new openings, middle games, end games — and make friends. Here’s our photo gallery. Click on the images below to enlarge each picture.

The event also featured a meal and a STEM education recreation area with Urban TEC.

To see the results from the tournament and to learn more about LINC Chess, go to kclinc.org/chess or Facebook.com/LINCchess.