Of oceans and art: Library summer reading programs promise adventure (and prizes)
Photo by Skylar Zilka on Unsplash
Go to the Kansas City Public Library summer program at kclibrary.org/summerreading (page goes live June 1).
Start your reading engines, kids.
Go to the Mid-Continent Public Library summer program at mymcpl.org/Splash.
The Kansas City Public Library and the Mid-Continent Public Library are stocking up again at neighborhood branches near you with adventurous, beautiful themes — and prizes — to inspire summer reading.
The idea is to have fun, said Michael Willis, Youth Service Specialist at the Mid-Continent Public Library. But there is a serious side to it as well.
“With the added stress and learning challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic over the past years,” he said, “summer reading and engagement are more important than ever before.”
The summer campaigns at the libraries are multi-generational, because shared experiences with adults model good reading habits and build enthusiasm.
“Kids, teens, parents, seniors — anyone can sign up for the KCPL summer reading program,” said Kansas City Public Library Reader’s Services Director Katie Stover.
The Mid-Continent libraries’ theme this summer is Oceans of Possibilities, celebrating our planet’s oceans with a focus on ocean life, exploration, and discovery.
The Kansas City Public Library branches’ summer theme is Art Starts at Your Library.
Participants in the programs pick up reading logs or sign up online. Throughout the summer they keep track of minutes read each day or books completed, and win free books or other prizes.
Some of the art-themed summer reading events at the KCPL include a World Doll Day workshop with Lenexa author Elizabeth Bruce at the Plaza branch June 11.
And the library is unveiling a new coloring book spotlighting the wildlife on the central library’s rooftop terrace and a printable scavenger hunt for kids.